免疫组化过程中经常碰到桌面和仪器上到处是石蜡,怎么去除都不方便,polysciences公司专业从事免疫组化方面试剂开发,良好的技术为您带来高品质的产品,特推出喷雾型石蜡清除剂,方便广大科研人员实验,不含二甲苯,为了您的健康 PolyGuard(产品目录编号# 21168) (不含二甲苯的石蜡清除剂)
PolyGuard, Paraffin RepellentPolyGuard, Paraffin RepellentXylene Free Paraffin Repellent Xylene free paraffin repellent. Used to create a protective coating on surfaces exposed to paraffin as well as to clean adhering paraffin off laboratory counterparts and equipment. PolyGuard will help keep your equipment and countertops clean and tidy. Available in 120ml bottles and cases of 6x120ml |